What are they?
Cookies are small text files that are placed on your computer or mobile phone when you visit a website
What do they do?
Cookies enable us to provide you with the very best browsing experience possible, whether it’s by storing your login details to speed things up for you, remembering your settings in between your visits to the site, or even just allowing you to share a page via a social network such as Facebook.
How do we use them?
We only ever use cookies to improve your experience on, through some of the methods mentioned above. We never use cookies to collect any personally identifiable or sensitive information (without your express permission), and will never pass any personally identifiable data (collected during the ordering process) onto any third party.

Typically, the settings on your internet browser will automatically be set to allow the use of cookies. We take this, and your continued use of the website, to indicate that you are happy with this.

Turning Cookies Off
Cookies are controlled by your browser’s settings, and you can usually turn them off there. Click here for information on how to do this on different browsers.

Types of Cookie
Website Function Cookies
Used to allow our shopping basket and checkout process to function.
Third Party Cookies
Used to enable certain types of media to function. Eg. video.
Social Website Cookies
Used to enable you to "like" or "share" content via social media networks.
Site Improvement Cookies
We regularly test new designs and features on our website. We do this by showing slightly different versions of our website to different people, and certain cookies enable us to anonymously monitor how visitors respond to these changes to allow us to develop effectively.
Anonymous Visitor Cookies
We use cookies to compile visitor statistics, again to allow us to develop and improve our website most effectively.